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Beyond Product Manufacturers: Other Parties Who May Be Liable For Your Toxic Exposure Injuries

If you are exposed to a dangerous chemical, it is tempting to go after the manufacturer of the chemical in pursuit of damages. This makes sense because, in many cases, it is the manufacturers of toxic substances who are held liable for the injuries their products cause. However, there may be other liable parties, and identifying all of them is the best way to maximize your recovery. For example, you should assess whether to send demand letters to these parties too:


The distributors of the dangerous products may also be on the hook for your damages. This is especially likely if you can prove that the distributors knew the chemical was dangerous but did not educate you on the best way to mitigate the dangers. For example, if an agricultural store sells you insecticides in plain boxes (without instructions for use or warnings), and you end up getting injured by the insecticide, the distributors of the insecticides are just as much to blame as the manufacturer of the pesticide.

Storage or Transportation Entities

In some cases, the innocent public is exposed to dangerous chemicals in transit or storage even if the chemicals were properly produced and marketed. For example, a truck transporting paint mixers may crash and spill its dangerous fumes, or a warehouse storing the products may grow careless with their safety precautions and cause an accident. In such cases, the storage facilities and the transporters may be liable for the toxic exposure in addition to or instead of the product manufacturers.

Landlord or Premises Owners

If you are exposed to a toxic substance in another person's property, then you may also be able to hold the landlord or owner of the property liable for your damages. In this case, you will have to prove that the landlord or property owner did something or failed to do something that caused your exposure. For example, if a retail store is storing its poisonous wares alongside harmless products, and you end up getting hurt, then the owners of the retail store should pay for your injuries.

Protective Equipment Manufacturers

There is protective equipment meant for preventing dangerous chemicals from harming people in different situations. The protective equipment also depends on the nature or state of the chemical. For example, if you are demolishing a building with asbestos or lead products, which both produce dangerous fumes, you are supposed to wear respirators to keep safe. If you use such a protective gear but end up getting exposed to the chemicals anyway, then you may be able to sue their manufactures for producing defective equipment.

Contact personal injury attorneys in your area for additional advice.