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3 Surprising Facts To Know About Personal Injury Settlements

If you've been injured on someone's property, you may be wondering what rights you have to help pay for your medical bills. In most cases, you can file a claim with the owner's homeowners' insurance provider or sue the homeowner if they don't have coverage. Check out these three surprising facts you may not have known about personal injury settlements.

They May Include More Than Medical Bills

If you win your claim or case, your medical bills are likely covered because they are not your fault. You shouldn't have to fork out a dime for an injury you didn't cause. However, in some cases, you can get more money. If the damages are long-term and less tangible (physically or emotionally), such as loss of interest in old activities, depression, long-term nerve pain, etc., you may qualify for pain and suffering. If you are unable to work due to the injury, you may get some money for lost income. Last, if the injury was caused by someone's malicious actions, and they purposely wanted to hurt you, you may get punitive damages, which are punishment for the defendant.

You Can Be Partially Responsible and Receive a Settlement

Some accidents are cut and dry, and it's obvious who is responsible. However, many times, both parties can be considered partially responsible. For example, if you visit a friend, and they don't warn you about a damaged deck, causing injury, they are likely totally responsible. However, if they warn you, but you still get hurt, you may be considered partially responsible because you were warned. In most states, if you are found partially responsible, you get a reduced settlement, but in a few states, you get nothing if the court or insurance carrier considers you any amount responsible.

Some Trespassers Qualify for a Settlement

Most of the time, you must ensure the safety of anyone visiting your home, but this doesn't usually include trespassers as they had no business on your property. There are some instances, however, where you can receive a settlement even if you were trespassing. One common reason is if the property is often used as a short cut or other similar reason. If it can be established many people use the property, your lawyer can argue the homeowner should have been aware that someone may be on the property, and they should have posted warning signs. Child trespassers are also usually treated differently, depending on their age.

When you've been injured on someone's property, you may be able to file a claim or sue for money to help pay for medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering. If you are ready to get the money you deserve, contact a personal injury attorney in your area today. For more help, contact a company like Palmetto Injury Lawyers.