Getting The Help You Need

Affordable Legal Help for Your Work-Related Injury

You are already in a vulnerable financial condition when you are out of work with an injury. For those with a qualifying situation, your employer's workers' compensation insurance provides several benefits. With medical care being so expensive, having that paid for by the insurance carrier is a big positive. If you are unable to work because of your injury and are ordered to remain at home and recuperate, you are entitled to disability wages. Unfortunately, these wages are usually only a percentage of your normal pay. You might need legal help with your claim, so read to find out more.

When Your Claim Goes Wrong

Workers' compensation coverage and benefits are not guaranteed. In some cases, your claim is denied and you are left too hurt to work. If you are having problems with your claim, it is advisable to seek legal help. Additionally, you will need to negotiate for the best deal possible if you have a permanent injury, and you will need legal help to do that. You realize that lawyers must get paid, however, and your financial situation makes that impossible.

Pro Bono Help

This form of legal help is available to those who need it but cannot afford to pay the full price for legal services. Legal clinics and attorneys that do work for reduced or zero cost are available in most places, though they often have extremely long waiting lists to endure. Unfortunately, workers' compensation is a very specific area of law, and not many who practice it offer their services pro bono.

Contingency Fee Agreements

Many people have probably heard of contingency fee arrangements without knowing it. When you hear an advertisement say "you pay no fee unless we win your case," that is likely referring to a contingency fee deal. While these types of arrangements are more common when dealing with personal injury cases, they are also prevalent with Social Security and workers' compensation cases.

Contingency fee arrangements are based on the attorney working on your case without pay until its successful conclusion. The attorney reviews the facts of your case and then an agreement is formed. When you win your workers' compensation case and are awarded a lump sum payment, the attorney gets paid a certain percentage of that award as their fee. Attorneys evaluate your case based on the likelihood of success and the amount you might be awarded. In most cases, attorneys only deal with workers' compensation cases that involve a permanent injury. Speak to a workers' compensation attorney about your case to learn more.